The End of Childhood


“Wayne Miller’s sixth book of poems is his most moving and most spooky. Permeated by the damages of history, the brutalities of modernity, and the turmoil of consciousness, Miller’s poems are haunted into a gray lyric radiance. Often situated in wintry aftermaths, the poems have the lapidary quality of last-ditch communications. Still, despite its starting point in what’s dire, Miller’s work longs for the ‘shared breath’ of meaning, even if the only possible meaning is fragmented and oblique. These poems achieve the beautiful, uncanny fusing that Miller defines as poetry itself: ‘One mouth moving / another.’” —Rick Barot

“Wayne Miller possesses the range and wisdom of the timeless artist. Like Berryman, he personalizes the genre of cultural critique; like Auden, he historicizes the genre of autobiography. From this book’s opening pages we encounter the ripeness of the poet’s mind and the extent of his delight and disappointment in the world. I am in awe of this collection of poems, from its deft use of syntax to its dexterous lines and stanzas, from its command of both the short and long form to its expert narratives and fully landed endings: these reasons and more make Miller, to my mind, a true poet’s poet, a poet to learn from, emulate, and trust.” —Kathy Fagan

“[P]oems that plumb intergenerational trauma . . . [that] move beyond story through Miller’s trademark lyricism, his ability to embody a complex political consciousness . . .” —Rebecca Morgan Frank, Literary Hub

We the Jury

Winner of the 2022 Colorado Book Award

“One of the most outstanding American poets of his generation.” —The Irish Independent

“[A]n introspective call-to-action like no other.” —RHINO

“It’s especially striking to read these poems now, because they feel perfectly suited for our fractured times, but a collection this assured, this perfectly rendered, will remain fresh and equally resonant for future readers.” —Los Angeles Review


Winner of the 2017 Rilke Prize

Winner of the 2017 Colorado Book Award

“[A] singular figure in American poetry.” —Colorado Review

“[E]xtraordinary poems, chilling in their incisive witnessing of social issues, wise in their perceptiveness about what it is to be human.” —Field

“[W]itty and solemn, stoic and nimble. . . . Shrewdly pithy and nuanced, edgy and commiserating, Miller’s poems are beacons.” —Booklist

The City, Our City

Shortlisted for the 2012 William Carlos Williams Award

Shortlisted for the 2012 UNT Rilke Prize

“Wayne Miller [is] among the best poets in the USA . . . The City, Our City is through-composed, coherent in the unity of its parts, and terribly moving.” —Notre Dame Review

“[F]ierce lyrical investigations . . . [a] combination of allegory, stark imagism, surrealist panache, and sophisticated tonal movement . . .” —Kenyon Review Online

“However grimly real, some of these poems are also truly beautiful . . . The City, Our City [reminds] us that poets still know it’s their job to think big and to find all sorts of ways to make their poems big as well.” —The Cincinnati Review

The Book of Props

“Miller makes a vast impact using the smallest stroke—he is careful and suspenseful, wary of flamboyance . . . Readers in search of ready-made epiphanies are not welcome here.” —The New Yorker

“His lyrics are steeped in longing, stoked by tender irony and luminous with heightened receptivity. Akin in spirit to the works of Wallace Stevens and Charles Simic, Miller’s poems are profoundly human in their philosophical puzzles.” —The Kansas City Star

“[Miller] provides greater illumination the more that you read him. . . . He has a mind bred from Stevens and an eye bred from Williams . . .” —Coldfront Magazine

Only the Senses Sleep

Winner of the 2007 William Rockhill Nelson Missouri & Kansas Book Award

“A large-hearted and wise book of poems, one that easily rises above the many piles of debut collections.” —Bloomsbury Review

“Miller’s poems claim that what we often think of as the rock-solid now is really a fluid thing, and the desire to plant our feet firmly in anything is its own kind of foolishness. There’s nothing softheaded about Miller’s complex thinking.” —Lyric Poetry Review

“Miller’s lyric poems are some of the best this reviewer has read for some years. . . . This is not the ambition of noble, inflated lyrics, but the ambition of striking into the bedrock of the fundamental essence of poetry itself.” —Coldfront Magazine